Saturday 28 September 2013

10 Habits of Unsuccessful Dieters.......VOLUME1

Hello my wonderful booboos!!
I absolutely missed missed you all last week.....kai!! Trust you all had a fab week and as I type this still snoring in bed! I have had a very busy 2 weeks....from catering for a teambuilding via F.i.t.t.r.i.x Deli and had to facilitate a Wellness seminar at one of the top 10 banks in Nigeria.....aside my regular consulting, wife and mummy duties and being a law abiding citizen!!

Exotic Fruit cocktail Salad
 Healthy Devils Food cuppy + mini sandwiches
 Mini healthy sandwich Platter
During the Wellness facilitation......I had given them a "Buffet Challenge" here!

 I have been asked over and over again via emails, on BBM, SMS......"Ebun give us tips o"... "How did you do it?"....."What do you even eat now, or you don't even eat sef?". So to be a good 'mummy' :D, I have tried to put together, with the combo of personal experience and research, MY BAG FULL OF TIPS! 
What could be more frustrating than not seeing the scale drop despite days or weeks of doing everything right? After all that hard work—all the cookies you didn't eat, all the willpower you maintained, all the time you logged at the gym—how could you not have lost any weight? It's enough to make even the most determined person throw in the towel. Before you swear off exercise and declare yourself as someone who "will never lose weight," stop, take a deep breath, and remember this:  Weight-loss may seem simple (eat fewer calories than you burn), but often, there's a lot more going on than a simple calorie equation. Our bodies aren't calculators after all!

What's more likely is that you've made some innocent mistakes in your quest to lose weight. Don't feel bad about it—it's extremely common. These bad habits may be preventing you from getting the results you want. Instead of giving up, make some of the smart changes outlined below, and you'll see that scale drop in no time!

So to keep a continuous flow and not overwhelm  you....we will take these tips in twos.....
Bad Habit #1: Going "on a diet" in the first place.
My second write up clearly emphasized this!! I HATE DIETS ! Since when did the word "diet" refer to something good? The word itself implies restriction, limitation, and a short-lived effort to get some quick results and then return to a "normal" way of eating. Countless surveys have shown that people who consider themselves to be "dieting" lose less weight and encounter more problems (such as plateaus and a lack of motivation) than people who are trying to lose weight by creating a lasting healthy lifestyle. Plus diets usually mean giving things up: favorite foods, dining out, desserts—even your social life.  Remember moderation is key and your portions and of course how that meal was prepared in the first place. You don't have to be a psychology expert to know that when you tell yourself you can't have something, you usually want it more. This way of thinking could directly be sabotaging your efforts.
Smart Fix: Ditch the diets for good and focus on creating a healthy lifestyle based on nutritious foods and small, realistic changes that you can live with for the long term.

Bad Habit #2: Overhauling your eating habits overnight.
How many times have you gone crazy eating all the "bad" foods you know you shouldn't, only to promise to swear them off starting next week or next month or next year? How often have you decided to suddenly clean out your kitchen, throw away all the "junk" and then shop for only healthy food?

How's that working for you? No one can expect to change a lifetime of eating habits overnight—and no one should have to! To lose weight successfully and keep it off, you have to adopt a way of eating that you can stick with for the rest of your life.
Smart Fix: Eating healthy isn't about taking food away; it's about eating MUCH MORE of the things that are good for you over what is not. How can I really live without carbs??? Recognize the better ones for you. To be successful, you have to implement small and realistic changes to your diet. Next week, swap that milk for 1%, and switch out your usual bread for a healthy whole-grain variety, or grill that chicken instead of frying. Once you start getting used to that, you can set a small goal like eating one serving of fresh fruits or vegetables each day. The point is to start with gradual changes that fit into your lifestyle. I tell my Clients, because its a programmed event, there has to be some structure and guide......the koko is understand your own body....notice how you might react to different changes.

I need to run huns......wanna go do big sister duties and visit my baby sister in Covenant was her birthday on Tuesday. Of course she is expecting some yummy cuppys, so need to finish frosting.....she's absolutely in love with the red velvet and devils food!!

S.P.A...........Support Plan Accountability
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Saturday 14 September 2013

Get off those fat behinds biko!

Hi people....

Trust you are all fab and on the roll!

My last write up seriously vexed some chics a good way that is. They have finally taken control!! whoop whoop! #medoingazonto. There's nothing as awesome as being in control of what happens to decide....don't leave it to fate.
Some people actually wanted to go scuba diving with me......teeheehee....sorry ooo...I am going with the MR :D.

I know though I lost weight to be healthy and all, my biggest motivation was to look fab and hawt! I love looking goooood and on point! Can I get a witness in here? :D. I do know most of the women that want to loose weight are for those same reasons. I guess we have been wired that way #shrugging. Because really there are just some outfits you dare not try to wear if you are really overweight and you have self respect of course! I see a lot of bulky ladies that lack that self respect and dare come out everyday on the streets in some eyesores......they need to be arrested! #Fasholapleasenote.

I have been hammering a lot on your nutrition.......hounding more like, and I think a lot of you are beginning to forget your exercises! To be can loose weight without exercising, once you are eating the right combo for healthy weight loss and for your metabolic type. The ish though is it will really really drag. So if for example, you need to loose 20kg, eating right CONSISTENTLY can get you there but if you do that alone, it could take you 2 years or even more! I know most of us want it faster, though at a healthy pace. What will do that "magic" for you is some good ole exercise! Traditional "getting off that butt" and being consistently active. Exercises are awesome....aside the fact that they tone you up as you loose the weight so you don't have "flabs" everywhere, it speeds up your metabolism so you can loose more weight and also makes you feel super energized!

Me and my new friend (fitness brought us together):D......Tayo of FADD......a great great inspiring runner!! She has had her "journey" too.........


Hence we could break that "2 year rule" :p.......and make that target in 6months or a little less!! isn't that glorious!!!!. And look fab and firm at the end of it all. And most especially your heart is super grateful! And really what is 6 months to the rest of your life or even the 2 years? Take your pick!

I know some people are groaning now at the thought of exercise and how it seems impossible to fit that into their routine. Errrrrrrrm my take - whatever is important to you, you need to make out time for it. There's no two way about it.  I know Tayo for one takes her tee, shorts and trainers to work and runs from Falomo to the new Lekki- Ikoyi bridge like every other day right after work!!!
And NO you don't have to join a gym to loose weight!! In all of my journey, I used a really fab gym in Ikoyi and only did it for a little over 3 weeks....3-4 times a week. After a while, it seemed really disruptive to my work because I was going during my break the day!! My colleagues thought I was pretty understanding boss was pleasantly surprised but that changed to impatience eventually when I wasn't back in good time for several meetings!! I knew I couldn't go on. So I just SIMPLY GOT MY ACTS TOGETHER AND EXERCISED AT HOME!!!

Yep you heard me right......about 90% of the 36kg I lost disappeared into thin air right there in my apartment! I just looked at my daily routine and planned around it. And was CONSISTENT. Nothing fancy or too strenuous. So added with eating right, no late dinners......eureka!! I hit a home run! And the more you exercise the more you can eat....literally!! Ask Tayo :p

I have been watching a lot of the "Biggest Loser" weight loss show of recent and the truth is though their routine is gangster... we can very well see that exercises are so key. So instead of starving or doing a crash or FAD diet, eat a healthy balance and up your exercise level for quicker results.

Isn't this absolutely inspiring? A transformed life!

I really hope you all embrace all these as a lifestyle.....its my ultimate dream....changing one woman at a time! Beautiful bodies......healthy hearts!
S.P.A...........Support Plan Accountability
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Saturday 7 September 2013

Take that plunge!

I had had this really stressful week and had been looking forward to some tennis.....somehow I find it relaxing! Great outfit, really comfy footwear, air in my face and hair, the great outdoors and the sense of being in control......I hit that ball to exactly where I want it to go!!...( yea I know, I am a lil bit of a control freak....shoot me  :p)...and as I really can't toss people around, I take it out on the ball :D. And the best part is you get to tone up and burn off some calories the fun way.

So errrrrrrrm I just started playing and only got regular pretty recently( needed to create that time and quit the excuses) and my coach has been treating me like a burra all this while. So after like an hour of play, we stopped for some water, and then some tough men that usually played really hard shots bounced into the court and started demo-ing. I watched for about 15 mins and then turned to my coach and said I wanted to go doubles with them. You should have seen the look on his face! "No madam, lets still wait a bit, no rush...blah blah black sheep" For crying out loud I'm not training for a championship or to compete with Serena Williams na.....enough with the leg walks already!! My response "Oga don't worry, let me go and swim in the deep end that has sharks, I will hustle and swim my way out".

I picked up my racket, winked at my namesake/best friend(after my Femi, my sister of life :D) /client that had followed me to the court that morning and took that seemingly long walk to my "doom". You might think I'm being overtly dramatic, but really I could have wounded myself, been laughed and snickered at for slowing their game down or just be plain embarrassed in front of a lot of people. But for some reason I didn't give a hoot, all I saw was the end....I needed to prove to my coach, my bestie, and all who watched I could do it and of course change my tennis "destiny"! Fast-forward to 40 minutes after.....I had proved my point. The guys were impressed, one a little intimidated and my coach was beaming with pride ; my bestie screaming her lungs out!! I had a blast!!!

MY POINT: Most times you do not know your capacity until you are thrown into the "deep end with some hungry sharks". It is actually even an unwritten philosophy in general life . That is what has really separated the successful CEOs from the struggling employees - the ability to take that plunge...with a strategy of course! We need to stop the damn excuses (excuse my french please).

I am baffled every time I hear "I can't exercise" or "I have no time to plan my meals" or "It is  soooo hard" and yet we want healthy hearts and banging bodies! Like seriously? And what is more baffling is these excuses are from supposedly strong women - who from a tender age of 13 start to bleed at a certain time of the month every month with accompanying pain and still expected to wake up early , go to school and get perfect grades ; who have suffered heartbreaks over and over again and still go out with their heads high and meet up with deliverables ; who have had to deal with stereotype mentalities that boys rule the world ; who can't wear snickers and be seen as a lady in this vain generation unless you are in 3,4,5" heels....and you wear that all day and still have a straight back and a peachy smile ; who gets home after all that hustle and hubby and kids are catered too.....even after driving in lasgidi's traffic.

These shoes are divine #lovestruck.......I so don't mind wearing them all day!

And then to do this one thing for ourselves........this one thing that will help our confidence and our health....we can't.......but we want the outcome.  hian!!

The truth is in almost every other area of our lives, we have taken that plunge and kicked those sharks out and dominated that why not in this area? We need to add that to our priority list and put it right at the top if possible.

TAKE THAT PLUNGE TODAY! I am not saying it will be a walk in the park....some sharks in trying to bite you could graze you, or their fins prick you, or in trying to dodge being bitten you could knock your foot against a rock. I missed a couple of balls, hit some balls that got stuck in nets on the court that morning.....but my good, strong hits outweighed the weak ones hence earning me a place on my make belief "medal board"

                                         S.P.A...........Support Plan Accountability


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