Saturday 31 August 2013

You must be kidding me!

In his best selling book Your Best Life Now, Joel Osteen tells the story of a man who traveled across the Atlantic Ocean on a cruise, yet never ate in the dining hall with the other passengers.  Instead, at meal time the man went off by himself and ate from a supply of cheese and crackers that he brought along with him.

Near the end of the trip, another passenger asked him "Why don't you come join us in the dining hall tonight for dinner?"

Embarrassed, the man replied "Well, to tell you the truth, I only had enough money to purchase my ticket.  I don't have any extra money to purchase fancy meals."

Somewhat baffled, the other passenger replied, "Sir, don't you realize the meals are already included in the price of the ticket?  Your meals have already been paid for!" (see serious suffer head!)

Now, hearing this story it's very easy to think "OMG, how could this guy be such an idiot?", but the truth is, many times we're just like him.

In life, we have a banquet hall of opportunity in front of us, yet still, many people settle for a life of cheese and crackers.The potential within you -- it's truly limitless.  Still, so  so so many never achieve it, or realize it.  We settle for average, or even worse, the executioner of success:  "good enough". HIAN!!


"I wish I could have a body like hers."

Cheese and crackers!

"I can't do it.  I just don't have what it takes."

Cheese and crackers!

"I've always been overweight.  I just wasn't meant to be fit."

Cheese and crackers!

"I don't have the time to eat right and be fit"
Cheese and crackers!  

What excuses are you making today that are preventing you from realizing the potential that is already inside of you?  You see, your meals have already been paid for!  That potential, it's already within youStill, you'll never know just how satisfying it can be as long as you continue to settle for cheese and crackers.
Today, I challenge you to drop the "cheese and crackers" mentality and join the others in the banquet hall.  The feast has already been paid for and it's rightfully yours. 

Step 1:  You must believe in yourself.  Sounds corny, but it couldn't be more true.  In fact, even if EVERYONE else believes in you, if you don't believe in yourself, you can't succeed!

Step 2:  Take action. Once you understand what's available to you, you have to take action towards it.  It's not enough to know about the banquet hall, you have to go there and dine there. 
Of course, even after learning that your meals are already paid for, you could still make the excuse that you're not good enough, or that you feel out of place, and go back to that unfulfilling meal of cheese and crackers or bringing it home - boli and epa!No!  Take action today.  Right now.  Start toward achieving the greatness that is inside of you. Ditch the excuses and begin achieving your best.  You CAN do it!!!


At F.i.t.t.r.i.x, we help you with the realization that life is a banquet and take you every step of the way....It is your personal journey.

                                                  S.P.A...........Support Plan Accountability
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Saturday 24 August 2013

The Journey of No "U" turn!

And we walked and walked and walked anticipating the end of the "journey"....looking for that bright light at the end of the tunnel. For where!! I actually was having a blast though, as it was the perfect workout for me....semi brisk stroll, surrounded by trees and swamps....some monkeys here and there and other crawlies!. The air was clean and the atmosphere was serene....I only felt sorry for the kids, mine inclusive, as it was indeed a loooong walk. The tour guides were asked a million times if it was possible to just turn back...but we kept getting the same response;"I'm sorry ma (referring to my mum) we need to go round and get to the exit, there's is no turning back". hian!! Na so we henter one chance o. So we basked in taking intermittent short breaks, catching our breaths and enjoying the walk. We were at the Lekki Conservation should try to visit there soon.

This dude is 89 years old!!
The monkeys were super peaceful and cute!

It set me thinking though, that that's actually the mind set we should have when we are trying to loose weight....the proper way that is. See it as a journey with a destination in sight...NO U TURNS, NO SHORTCUTS. But hey who says we can't take short breaks to catch our breaths and start again with equal or even more motivation? The only CLAUSE is whilst taking the breaks you don't do things that jeopardize it all! It will be a shame to have to start all over again; over and over again!
Time and time again I have met people who have thrown in the towel or made that awful U TURN, seem send less in the beginning about it but then reality starts to set in......and they begin to feel crappy, bloated and unfulfilled.....then they start that important journey ALL over again from the scratch or even farther unending cycle!!!! e no dey tayaar una ni? Rather than keep chasing your tails.....stick to the journey and take short breaks from time to time instead. Life happens that could distract you a bit. An exam...A sick loved one...Heartbreak.....Its part of life huns...Deal with them and clean that sweat on your brow and keep trotting along.

I tell people its not really about how long but more of how well. So if its gonna take you 4 months or 9 months or 12 months....stick to it and be victorious. Because really what is that compared to the rest of your life. At the same time its important not to intentionally drag your journey so it doesn't make you feel discouraged especially when you feel you are not getting the results you desire. Create that balance and keep the flag flying.
During initially felt like a herculean task because of my INITIAL mind set, which was seeing it as "punishment". But instead I started seeing it as a new approach to living that will give me the kind of life I desire internally and externally. I kept seeing how I wanted to look and feel in my head...constantly...and whenever I fell off the band wagon, those visions made me jump right back on sharp sharp!



 Aggggrgh! Guys I need to run...just got in from tennis and my 22 month old doesn't seem too well. She has a slight temperature but what is worrisome is the vomiting.....she's done that thrice already!!! Lagoon Hospitals beckons...Kai!! the life of a mum!! But I wouldn't trade it for the world.


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Friday 16 August 2013

A beaming heart

Do we ever stop to take in All that is happening in our lives?

Yes, I know aside our routines being hectic (trust me if you live in lag, its gangstar!), we are probably battling with unfulfilled or almost unfulfilled dreams and to top that up a bulging waist line!

Recently, I started reflecting on my life and initially started focusing on what I didn't have yet...the 7 bedroom all en suite mansion in Banana island, with an indoor gym and spa and outdoor pool OR the Black shinny Evoque convertible with fuchsia pink leather interiors for everyday waka and the silver Jaguar for occasions OR travel first class to Seychelles just to spend the weekend!! And I was beginning to allow myself drown in all that craziness and start to get anxious and resent what I had....but then I was quickly jolted felt like lightening had struck! Eureka!


You have it all when you have God in your life....
You have it all when you have family that loves you....
You have it all when you have a partner that can walk the ends of the earth for you....
You have it all when you have healthy children that adore you....
You have it all when you have HOPE and FAITH!

Trying to loose weight to be honest can be a little challenging and overwhelming atimes...especially when its a whole lot of weight. You might feel resentful sometimes or pretty much upset hence you very well complain and vent! It can leave us wishing we could go to bed and wake up the next morning 50 pounds lighter. But that would only happen in fairy tales...hian!If only.....*dreaminganddrooling*.......Ebun snap out of it biko!
Gratitude, I have come to realise, goes a much longer way than feeling resentful. It helps you remain content, focused and generally positively minded. I know you could be like "oh yes I am grateful about my family o and job o etc"...I know right!...but I am actually talking more about your body...the bulging tummy and fat thighs! They are signs of change that has occurred in your life....a baby or children, or that really good job that has made you really comfy or the mere fact you don't rely on papas pocket money anymore!
Even if you are in the middle of trying to loose weight, be grateful and savour every milestone, bask in the experience huns....its a journey with a destination in sight. If you are doing it the proper way now, you will never have to take it again....ENJOY IT! Initially I was super resentful and full of complaint during my journey. For crying out loud seeing 104kg and thinking how am I ever gonna see the 60's and 70's but I quickly started to learn to be appreciative instead and celebrate every matter how minute!!...errrrm not with blue bunny ice-cream though or Chinese take outs, I just "pigged" out buying shoes mostly can choose your own celebratory material! Learn from the mistakes.....make it a constant learning point.....go back to the drawing yourself up and get right on with it!

I need to run my booboos.....its almost 2am and I need to be at the tennis court and pool in the morning. But let me leave you with these few words......Always always remember why you want to loose keeps you motivated! In Zig Ziglar's words "People often say motivation doesn't last. Well, so does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily".

Wow!!! its amazing that I'm writing about gratitude and The Doctors just came on and aside all that was treated, they categorically say the benefits of Gratitude even to the physical body is astronomical.......Now I'm doubly sure I'm definitely reaching out today!

At F.i.t.T.r.i.x, we are all about guiding and supporting you on that journey and getting you to that destination....its all about you as you are not in competition with anyone but yourself!

                                              S.P.A.................Support Plan Accountability

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Saturday 3 August 2013

The Heist!!

Yesso!....the 4th one I mentioned last week I was going to talk about....


 ....and its not more than our beloved .....................#drumroll#.........................CEREAL!!! 

By and large, it is one of the worst foods for your waistline, and your health. There are of course a few good exceptions but when it comes to the "regular" boxes that stock the shelves of the cereal aisle at your local grocery store, it's generally all very, very very very beautifully decorated and colorful bad news!!
In my opinion, what is most disturbing about so many brands of cereal even the so called healthy options is that they confuse the heck out of consumers by making them "sound" so healthy and nutritious, when in reality they are anything but that........if that isn't 419...what else is? All you hear and see is "HIGH FIBRE", "WHOLE GRAIN", "HEART HEALTHY"........and they don't say jack nather about what the heck is making it sweet.........SUGAR!! Wait a minute I retract the last bit of that statement.....They actually talk about the sugar(a bit- worreva) but under the GDA at the far top right corner and they know it doesn't make THAT MUCH SENSE to good folks. In simple English....saying though cereals are sugar rockets but are whole grain so its healthy and good for you then we can as well make ice-cream healthier by chopping in ice cold cucumbers...I WISH TOO!!

This wonderful "High Fiber" cereal is a whooping 7 grams of sugar per serving!.

10 whooping grams of sugar per serving!!!!! And the average adult has 2 - 3 servings per sitting.....are we really on that health path? kai? And to think this was my brekkie at a point every single morning!!! The weight didn't budge at all till I made a change!

But why all this hulla ballu? It’s simple... sugar causes our bodies to store fat, and there’s a ton of it hiding in most breakfast cereals these days. With these  so called healthy but "bad choices" .....we can as well have Cocopops and Frosties! Be sure to check the labels and choose brands of cereals that are lower than 4 grams  of sugar per serving as various brands have various types. Like my cheerios brand has the one of 1g of sugar per serving and 6g of sugar per serving. Shine your eyes! (And hide the table sugar from the family.) Just keep calm and look at the table below quickly;
Calories per serving
Sugar per serving
Fruit n fibre
All Bran
Coco pops
Rice krispies
Crunchy nut
Weetabix regular
Weetabix minis
Cheerios (the brownish yellow carton)
K special
Golden Morn
*I searched high and show! Nestle please Note!!

 How much sugar per servings do the cereals in your kitchen contain? And in case you aren't aware, beyond expanding your waistline, sugar can also have pretty devastating (and somewhat DISGUSTING) health consequences. Simply put, you MUST eliminate the disastrous boxed foods from your home and if at all eat the 'sane' ones in moderation. Ultimately, start consuming whole, natural, REAL foods if your goal is to get a flat belly fast and keep your family healthy!

I advice and recommend Cheerios which are made from whole grain oats,  has no artificial colors or flavors. Those wholesome little O's have only one gram of sugar. They're low in fat, have no saturated fat and are naturally cholesterol free. Cheerios is also an excellent source of folic acid and a good source of fiber and as a hot cereal........regular cooked oatmeal!

At F.i.t.T.r.i.x we find fulfillment in keeping you informed and take pride in the amazing results. Love your your waistlines. Have a fabulous day :*

S.P.A...................Support Plan Accountability
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