Saturday 31 August 2013

You must be kidding me!

In his best selling book Your Best Life Now, Joel Osteen tells the story of a man who traveled across the Atlantic Ocean on a cruise, yet never ate in the dining hall with the other passengers.  Instead, at meal time the man went off by himself and ate from a supply of cheese and crackers that he brought along with him.

Near the end of the trip, another passenger asked him "Why don't you come join us in the dining hall tonight for dinner?"

Embarrassed, the man replied "Well, to tell you the truth, I only had enough money to purchase my ticket.  I don't have any extra money to purchase fancy meals."

Somewhat baffled, the other passenger replied, "Sir, don't you realize the meals are already included in the price of the ticket?  Your meals have already been paid for!" (see serious suffer head!)

Now, hearing this story it's very easy to think "OMG, how could this guy be such an idiot?", but the truth is, many times we're just like him.

In life, we have a banquet hall of opportunity in front of us, yet still, many people settle for a life of cheese and crackers.The potential within you -- it's truly limitless.  Still, so  so so many never achieve it, or realize it.  We settle for average, or even worse, the executioner of success:  "good enough". HIAN!!


"I wish I could have a body like hers."

Cheese and crackers!

"I can't do it.  I just don't have what it takes."

Cheese and crackers!

"I've always been overweight.  I just wasn't meant to be fit."

Cheese and crackers!

"I don't have the time to eat right and be fit"
Cheese and crackers!  

What excuses are you making today that are preventing you from realizing the potential that is already inside of you?  You see, your meals have already been paid for!  That potential, it's already within youStill, you'll never know just how satisfying it can be as long as you continue to settle for cheese and crackers.
Today, I challenge you to drop the "cheese and crackers" mentality and join the others in the banquet hall.  The feast has already been paid for and it's rightfully yours. 

Step 1:  You must believe in yourself.  Sounds corny, but it couldn't be more true.  In fact, even if EVERYONE else believes in you, if you don't believe in yourself, you can't succeed!

Step 2:  Take action. Once you understand what's available to you, you have to take action towards it.  It's not enough to know about the banquet hall, you have to go there and dine there. 
Of course, even after learning that your meals are already paid for, you could still make the excuse that you're not good enough, or that you feel out of place, and go back to that unfulfilling meal of cheese and crackers or bringing it home - boli and epa!No!  Take action today.  Right now.  Start toward achieving the greatness that is inside of you. Ditch the excuses and begin achieving your best.  You CAN do it!!!


At F.i.t.t.r.i.x, we help you with the realization that life is a banquet and take you every step of the way....It is your personal journey.

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  1. Great article. Almost the same thing happened to a colleague, he didn't knw the meals and drinks on a flight to US was at no additional cost and went hungry through out the journey. You can imagine how he felt when he realized. Ignorance most times kills faster than any sickness. Most of the solutions to our problems (obesity,poverty,etc) are closer than we think.

    1. Thanks Tolu...... you are absolutely right!! Eeya I sooo feel for ur colleague. At least he has learnt!!

  2. Ebun you rock biiiiiig time!

  3. Nice post hun. Always on point!...Alaoma!

  4. Lovely write up! You're an inspiration
