Friday 16 August 2013

A beaming heart

Do we ever stop to take in All that is happening in our lives?

Yes, I know aside our routines being hectic (trust me if you live in lag, its gangstar!), we are probably battling with unfulfilled or almost unfulfilled dreams and to top that up a bulging waist line!

Recently, I started reflecting on my life and initially started focusing on what I didn't have yet...the 7 bedroom all en suite mansion in Banana island, with an indoor gym and spa and outdoor pool OR the Black shinny Evoque convertible with fuchsia pink leather interiors for everyday waka and the silver Jaguar for occasions OR travel first class to Seychelles just to spend the weekend!! And I was beginning to allow myself drown in all that craziness and start to get anxious and resent what I had....but then I was quickly jolted felt like lightening had struck! Eureka!


You have it all when you have God in your life....
You have it all when you have family that loves you....
You have it all when you have a partner that can walk the ends of the earth for you....
You have it all when you have healthy children that adore you....
You have it all when you have HOPE and FAITH!

Trying to loose weight to be honest can be a little challenging and overwhelming atimes...especially when its a whole lot of weight. You might feel resentful sometimes or pretty much upset hence you very well complain and vent! It can leave us wishing we could go to bed and wake up the next morning 50 pounds lighter. But that would only happen in fairy tales...hian!If only.....*dreaminganddrooling*.......Ebun snap out of it biko!
Gratitude, I have come to realise, goes a much longer way than feeling resentful. It helps you remain content, focused and generally positively minded. I know you could be like "oh yes I am grateful about my family o and job o etc"...I know right!...but I am actually talking more about your body...the bulging tummy and fat thighs! They are signs of change that has occurred in your life....a baby or children, or that really good job that has made you really comfy or the mere fact you don't rely on papas pocket money anymore!
Even if you are in the middle of trying to loose weight, be grateful and savour every milestone, bask in the experience huns....its a journey with a destination in sight. If you are doing it the proper way now, you will never have to take it again....ENJOY IT! Initially I was super resentful and full of complaint during my journey. For crying out loud seeing 104kg and thinking how am I ever gonna see the 60's and 70's but I quickly started to learn to be appreciative instead and celebrate every matter how minute!!...errrrm not with blue bunny ice-cream though or Chinese take outs, I just "pigged" out buying shoes mostly can choose your own celebratory material! Learn from the mistakes.....make it a constant learning point.....go back to the drawing yourself up and get right on with it!

I need to run my booboos.....its almost 2am and I need to be at the tennis court and pool in the morning. But let me leave you with these few words......Always always remember why you want to loose keeps you motivated! In Zig Ziglar's words "People often say motivation doesn't last. Well, so does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily".

Wow!!! its amazing that I'm writing about gratitude and The Doctors just came on and aside all that was treated, they categorically say the benefits of Gratitude even to the physical body is astronomical.......Now I'm doubly sure I'm definitely reaching out today!

At F.i.t.T.r.i.x, we are all about guiding and supporting you on that journey and getting you to that destination....its all about you as you are not in competition with anyone but yourself!

                                              S.P.A.................Support Plan Accountability

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  1. Hey Hun! I've missed dis platform gaan! With the new baby and odd hours, its been a whirlwind for me! He's 5weeks old now and sleeps at least a 4hr stretch every night! For that, am extremely grateful!!!
    About the write-up, nice and informative as usual, tho almost spiritual 2day. But that's Good, we all need Spiritual daily. Good job Ebun, we shld play Tennis 2geda sometime......

    1. I have milsed you too. How is my baby? Yesso @ tennis...when you get back....*wink*

  2. Great write up as usaul. It is easy to lose focus of d supposedly small things while focusing on the seemingly big ones. Dunco

  3. Contentment and gratitude... extremely important! Thanks for the reminder Ebun.

    1. Your most welcome hun....we need to be Grateful always
