Friday 11 October 2013

10 Habits of Unsuccessful dieters......VOLUME 3

Hello my booboos,

How is everyone doing? Hope you all had a fabulous week? Fun, fulfilling, adventurous and tried something new? I did try something new. I am your average nappy (natural hair) sister...I have had it for exactly 3 years now and I am absolutely in love with it. I got bored last week however, and suddenly the heavy craving to dye my hair  honey blonde came over me!!! But then I thought to test the waters by fixing a weave first in that color........hmmmmm. My take - I ain't gonna dye my precious nappy with those harmful chemicals.....whenever I'm bored ....I will fix a funky weave...shikena!

Funky honey blonde weave
Nappy in Bantu Knot outs

Nappy in small twists and packed and my baby's nappy below

Moving on the issue at hand.....the concluding part of our mini series in the "My bag of tips"......please listen and listen good!

Bad Habit #7: Trying to eat as little as possible. If cutting calories is good for weight loss, then eating as little as possible is better, right? Biko it is WRONG (especially if you're also trying to fuel your body for regular workouts). You need to eat a certain calorie level to function optimally and get all its essential nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Eating much less than that can cause serious problems in the long term and damage your metabolism, making weight loss even harder. A new client of mine tried this approach, subtly ignored the meal plans I had drawn up for her...I kept flagging and flagging....but she only got more adamant and "starved". In my mind I felt......errrrrm if you felt you knew it then why come to me. In a nutshell, the day of reckoning came, and of all the people in her batch, she  hardly lost any weight!!! I just smiled....."Will you do as your told now?".........a very meek "yes I will"!

Smart Fix: Don't just guess how many calories you need, and don't eat what someone else eats either. There are recommended calorie ranges that are required for you, your metabolic type and your goals. Eating within that range (even at the very top of it) will help you reach your weight loss goal. There is no reason to go below it. Remember: You have to eat to loose! It is what you eat that is the koko.
Biko why should I eat only tomatoes and I a rabbit? Hian!
Bad Habit #8: Giving up too easily.   No person who ever lost weight successfully reached that goal because they were perfect all the time. Setbacks happen to everyone, even the most successful people. We've all had days where we made a poor food decision during a meal—or even for an entire day. We've all missed workouts, forgot the lunch we packed, or been too busy to cook a diet-friendly meal at home. But those who continue dropping the pounds pick themselves up, forgive themselves from their mistakes, learn from their slipups, and just keep right on going.
Smart Fix: Remember that perfection has no place in a weight loss plan. When you do make a mistake or feel like you're not making enough progress, don't give up. Change requires time and old habits die hard. When you feel yourself ready to give up, reach out for some support, and don't wait until next week or next month to get back on the wagon. There are various ways to get back on track today......

Bad Habit #9: Confusing "healthy" with "low-calorie."
Research shows that when shoppers see "healthy" buzz words or claims on food packages (think: gluten-free, organic, all-natural, sugar-free, low-fat, etc.), they automatically assume the food is low in calories. This couldn't be further from the truth. Food manufacturers will plaster all sorts of enticing lingo onto their packages, knowing that you'll think exactly that. But none of these words really tell you much about the healthfulness of a product; and none of them actually have any affect on a food's calories.
Smart Fix: Read front-of-package labels with a discerning eye, and always turn over the package and look at the nutrition facts (and ingredients) to get a full picture of what a food is really like. This goes for restaurant menus, too. Don't let healthy-sounding words make you think a food is actually low in calories. Know your menu watch words or look up nutrition facts before you place your order.

I even got sucked in......I asked for a tuna salad today @ Goodies and got this pasta multi color crap!!! I was really really pissed. Where are all the chunks of fish and veggies? Goodies mind yourself o! Please lets shine our eyes and ask questions!! I didn't....I assumed

Bad Habit #10: Unrealistic expectations.
These days with news stories, weight-loss advertisements and reality shows alike touting fast and extreme weight loss as the norm, it can be easy to think that you are capable of those kinds of results, too. But in truth, these are extreme and abnormal results that most people cannot expect to replicate. If you're expecting to drop a lot of weight fast—and to do so consistently—these unrealistic expectations could be setting you up for failure. There's nothing worse than expecting to lose 10 pounds in your first week.
Smart Fix: Change your expectations and your mindset. If you expect to lose 10 pounds in one week, then losing 1 pound is a major letdown. But if you expect to lose 1 pound and you did, you feel successful and inspired to keep working toward your goals. Losing 1-3 pounds per week—even half a pound—is major progress that should be commended. This is a healthy and realistic rate of weight loss that you can expect if you're sticking to your nutrition and fitness goals.
Saying you want to jump from a size 18 to a 10 in 2 months is an unrealistic will definitely add it back if at all you achieve it and probably have sagging skin in the process. My transformation took a while (about 9-10 months)........and that's why maintaining it now is "easy peasy lemon squeasy". And instead of looking gaunt and old......I have acquired some youth. Your body needs to adjust into it gradually but steadily.
I need to run huns......I have a road trip and need my beauty sleep!.....I am not driving though.....but meeehn sitting on my butt for 4 hours is not a joke! No tennis for me tomorrow!!*sigh.....*boohoohoo
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  1. Gosh ur dotter has lovely hair.....i like both looks on u....ur really beautiful either way! Thank you so much for your inspiring pieces...i look forward to every one

  2. Thanks much for the inspiration and realistic tips love! Wish I could go nappy, but liver never gree me... intend to keep my daughter's hair nappy until she finished high school though :-).
