Friday 24 January 2014

Set the mood right....

My boobooboos

I am literally nodding off as I type! Gosh! My back hurts from bad posture whilst sitting ( I really need to work on that, my mum has nagged since I was little!)....BUT I am feeling somewhat depressed.

I know I really shouldn't be.....its been a very productive week in all areas but I guess my cravings needed to be productive too and I gave in like a lost puppy!!! ptcheeeeeeuuuuw! Bad Bad child*boohoohoo*. As what will most times come with a busy and productive week - stress! My driver baled on me so aside mental stress.....a whole lot of driving in this town with all the consulting and coconut oil deliveries! Hian! Not funny rara. I feel totally drained and wanna just find a little corner, curl up and sleep for 48 hours straight!
So though I am not  trying to find excuses, but I literally turned to food for comfort! Darn!!! All my detoxing hard work almost down the drain! Heaven hug me pleeeaassse!

 I know I encouraged us all to do a detox.....a cleanse from all the festive greasy grub and alchy....but coming out of that strict need to create the right atmosphere for continuity and sustainability. You need to learn from mama's mistakes I hadn't gotten round to creating that atmosphere for myself.


 Toxic: A word that should not describe your environment if you’re hoping to have positive results in your weight loss journey. A new survey of psychologists says emotional eating is one of the biggest obstacles to weight loss and maintenance. ( I haven't always known. Really rolling my eyes for me). One of the best ways to stave off emotional eating is to create an environment for success. One that feeds you emotionally, which can prepare you to feed yourself physically and spiritually. With a space that's less stressful, you can stay motivated on your road to a healthy lifestyle.

Surround Yourself with Healthy Food
If you keep good food in your fridge and pantry, you will eat good food! shikena!!! Hmmmmm coming to think of it, that is mainly what shot me in the leg this past week o. Not fully settled in the new the pantry and fridge have no plan or structure. It was just a scenario of eating what I see! 

When grocery shopping, leave indulgences at the table so that you don’t find a reason to eat the leftovers simply because it’s in the fridge or pantry. If you share treats with friends socially, they’ll be more enjoyable and you may feel less guilty than if you’d eaten it on your own. Fill your refrigerator with vegetables, fruit, protein, dairy and your cupboard with grains like buckwheat, barley, quinoa, and brown rice and cereals like cheerios and old fashioned oats. Keep healthy snacks handy in little baggies such as nuts, air popped popcorn, and dried fruit.

 If you work out at home and use equipment, keep the equipment visible. If you see it rather than have to drag it out of the closet or from under the bed, you are more likely to use it!

Surround Yourself with Positive People
For me this is the 2nd most important! and I'm positive you’ve heard all before . The team environment is a plus no matter how you look at it. Having like-minded people with similar goals around you and sharing your experiences can help you keep pushing forward when you hit a bump in the weight loss road. Knowing you are not alone, and having someone to pick you up with words of encouragement and a you-can-do-it challenge is always better to have as an option, as opposed to nothing all......That is the heartbeat of F.i.t.T.r.i.x.

Find like-minded people and meet them face-to-face to workout, eat at healthy restaurants, or run a 5k. By creating shared experiences you learn to create a healthier social lifestyle. It took a community to teach you how to eat terribly and sit around and it’ll take another community to change your ways.

Use Social Media
Biko its the jet age....Chances are you’re either on your computer or phone or Ipad at least a 100 times a day, so why not use it to motivate you? You’ve got the keeping-a-food-log memo and etc, but did you know that using social media could make you more successful at weight loss.  Whether you blog, post on Facebook, Tweet about it, or put it on your PM, finding information, getting support, or sharing your weight loss progress has been shown to be better for your waist line than being silent........WHY? ACCOUNTABILITY IS A MAJOR MOTIVATOR.

Other ways to use technology to motivate you is by using goal-setting apps to remind you of your goals. You can also use your background for a motivating quote, goal picture, or an activity that keeps your eyes on the prize. Seeing a scenic picture of where you’ll be travelling this summer, that yoga pose that you’ve been trying so hard to get down, or even the finish line of a race you’re working on will push you to work for it.

Design an Achievement Calendar
Achievements are a big deal. Very very big o! We know na. Even from nursery school days! So, something as small as a consistent 15-minute workout everyday or only having a tiny piece of that donut as against the whole bun or the entire tray at the office (and tracking it!) counts! The more you celebrate your achievements, the more you’ll want to maintain and keep your progress going. You’re probably a pro at pointing out what’s wrong, but make it a habit to track those little wins, too.
 An achievement calendar will:
  1. Help you recognize track progress from a lifestyle perspective vs. only numbers.
  2. Help you get in touch with the positive feelings associated with doing something positive.
  3. Help you decide where more work is needed.
  4. Keep you motivated to achieve more goals.
 Like a vision board, you can use a large calendar or white board to list one small nutrition and one fitness related goal each day or a bigger one each week. Whatever it takes to celebrate something you did right each day, Just do it!

At F.i.t.T.r.i.x ........where wellness meets fabulosity.......we offer S.P.A at your pace and are fully committed to your cause.

              S.P.A...........Support Plan Accountability
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1 comment:

  1. Always looking forward to receive dis msg, it has been an inspiration to me, following your post has really helped me a long way and am so enjoying it, like u said I do celebrate my achievement and this has kept me goin, so grateful and I pray God will take you higher in yhe the realms of overflow xoxo
